Contact Ilsa
For further information on Ilsa professional equipment or to explore new ways we can help you improve your work, please contact us.
Knowing your opinion helps us to better understand the practical needs of those who use our equipment in order to develop innovative solutions with even greater efficiency, value and ease-of-use.
Opening hours
Switchboard: 8.30-12.30/13.30-17.30
Sales department: 8.00-12.30/13.30-17.00
Service: 8.30-12.30/13.30-17.30
Delivery: Italy: 8.00-12.30/13.30-17.30 – Foreign: 8.30-12.30/13.30-18.00
Warehouse: 8.00-12.30/13.30-17.00
Bookeeping: 8.00-12.30/13.30-17.30